Writing Forums for Creative Writers

Writing Forums

Welcome to your creative haven! Here, you’ll find writing forums where you can have a safe place to discuss with other writers and critique each others’ work. These discussion boards are perfect for getting advice as a writer and improving your skills. There are also writing prompts and helpful tips to help you along your writing journey.

Something special about this writing community is that we feature writers like you! Submit your work and get recognition for the work you’re writing. Plus, read what others are writing about! Our writing forums are here to help you succeed, so it’s time to unleash our imaginations!

Gretchen profile picture to show founder of the forum for creative writers

Theme of the Week:

The theme of this week is WINTER. Why? Some of the most intriguing writing stems from the extremes, from the unusual, from the mysterious. It draws readers in and makes us think. Really think.

Winter is an extreme that is fascinating, beautiful, ephemeral, deathly, scary, cold, and mysterious all at once. So, what ideas does “winter” spark for you?

Weekly Features

the art of healing a heart.

cup your hands round heaven’s harmonious marvel–
marvel at the haven housing her sweet spirit
wrapped so softly in a carefully packaged parcel
when it whispers for sanctuary you must hear it.
fill the fractures with fearless faith and feathers to fly–
fly her sorrows home to a hope-filled restart
feed her dearest dreams on the stars of a divine sky
for to love is the art
of healing a heart.

leave his worries in a wave to wash away–
away from the greatness of grief to glowing glimpses
that make his sadness never to stay
while his moon of mourning by the sun eclipses.
find peace in the past and felicity in the future–
share the stories of which you both are a part.
be the soft silk of each sufferer’s suture
for to love is the art
of healing a heart.

Author: Aubrey Zavala
  • Sunset on the mountain writing
    When you look at a sunset, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
green jungle adventure writing to show creative writing forums

Connect with Other Writers!

One of the best ways to improve as a writer is to join with other writers to get suggestions and advice, and to give encouragement and critiques. Come join the fun – there are people waiting for you!

Need Help?

Do you need help brainstorming ideas for your newest novel? Not sure if your idea is working? Are you looking for advice on how to improve? The critique group is the place for you! It’s a friendly place to get support and critiques to help you improve.

person hiking to show inspiration for writing and writing prompts at forum for creative writers

Need Inspiration for Writing?

Sometimes, all you need is a little help getting started. Browse writing prompts and get those creative juices flowing!